Success History

In October 2011, Belun began a partnership with the National Directorate ofAi??Land Property and Cadastral to implement a Land Dispute Mediation and Resolution Program. The programai??i??s aim was to address the growing list of land disputes being registered by the Government.

Belun was chosen for its ability to administer proven mediation processes, bringing about solid resolutions and diverting parties from resorting to violence. This photograph, from June 2012, shows the final stage of one of the many facilitated mediations. In this example, two ladies from the Dili district made claim to a single residence: one possessed a Land Certificate issued under Indonesian Administration, while the other was a long-term resident who had invested significant amounts of money into the property.

The case was brought to the Government and Belunai??i??s attention through the Ita Nia Rai (Strengthening Property Rights) Project. Through mediation, the parties were able to come to an agreement where the long-term resident received monetary compensation for her investments in the property over the years, and the holder of the Land Certificate was able to take up residence. Both parties left the mediation process satisfied with the outcome.

This is one of many successful mediation processes facilitated by Belun through this project that prove open discussion and a transparent process can lead to mutually-beneficial outcomes.