Land Dispute Mediation and Resolution
April 2014 – September 2019
Contact: Izalde Pinto, Program Manager at or +670 7731 2184.
Land Mediation and Resolution Dispute (LMRD) Program, seek to build sustainable peace through the reduce land dispute in Timor-Leste. This program is funding by European Union (EU) through Haburas Foundation for implementing land and housing Justice Action. Also Timor-Leste Government through the Civil Society Grant under the Prime Ministry Office, and GIZ for Peace Fund. This program is a response and support in partnership with government of Land and Property National Directorate and Registration Service of the land dispute unsolved list, and also direct approximation from disputants to Belun.
Belun provides technical assistance to facilitate mediation and mediation training through the learning experiences in land dispute resolution and mediation to disputants that are pursued to solve the land dispute through the mediation and review independent case. Incidents of land disputes are monitor by Belunai??i??s EWER System in collaborating with LMRD Program to figure out the requirement of disputants.