EWER Trimester Report 13 (Feb-May 2013)

November 13, 2013

Conflict Potential Analysis of Timor – Leste

Trimester XIII: February to May 2013


Belun welcomes you to its latest Conflict Potential Analysis Report. Young people continue to be ai???at-riskai??? as the countryai??i??s leading
instigators of violence. Another benefit leveraging google’s world class, always straight from a source college homework on’, secure infrastructure. Although Belun has recorded a gradual
decrease of violence in Timor-Leste, increased weapons circulation,
drug and alcohol abuse in communities may threaten long-term
stability. This report was supported by, but does not represent the opinions of: The European Commission, the American People through USAID, and the Government of Germany through GIZ. Ai??
